Dynamic Balance Training for Every Sport
Improve your balance, coordination, strength, reaction time, and body control with GIBBON - the leader in dynamic and versatile Balance Training tools!

Training on a SLACKBOARD or SLACKRACK has benefits for all sports including soccer, golf, football or ice hockey.

Improved Balance and Proprioception
Improved spatial awareness and body control
Enhances balance and posture
Mind + Body integration promotes better focus

Improved Posture and Stability
Maximize stability with self-induced vibration
Strengthen stabilizer muscles
Increase joint Range of Motion

Boost Reaction Time
Dynamic slackline enhances faster response times
Activate sensory receptors to improve reactions
Develop better neuromuscular connectivity

Reduced Injury Potential
Increased joint mobility to reduce risk of injury
Increased joint stability to protect vulnerable areas
Enhanced muscle fiber activation through vibration

The Ultimate Balance Tools: SLACKBOARDS and SLACKRACKS
The minimalist profile of a SLACKBOARD makes it portable and suitable for any training environment, whether that be at home, in the gym, on the field or even at the beach.

Take your Balance Training to the next level with SLACKRACK, a longer slackline that increases difficulty by enhancing instability.

Show your team colors or match with your gym or training center! All SLACKBOARDS can be custom-printed with unique designs.

Clean and space-efficient solution for
storing your SLACKBOARDS when not in use.

and Coaches

Start your balance training journey with our downloadable Exercise Cards! Featuring over 60+ balance board moves, you'll be jumping higher, moving faster, and improving your flexibility in no time. Download now and start your training today!