Scratched, Dented, Returned, But Still Fun!
Sometimes dents happen! Every now and then, we receive a SlackBoard that's been banged up during shipping, or maybe it took a little tumble in the factory, or someone just decided it wasn't the right fit. Rather than let our genius apes run over them with a truck for fun, we thought we’d try to get them into the hands of folks who don’t mind a little character.

Surface damage
Shipping can be rough, and sometimes our SlackBoards take a few hits. You might notice a dent or scratch here and there, or maybe a little discoloration in the wood grain—kind of like a cool birthmark! No need to worry, though; the lines will work perfectly and support any training you’re after. It just means your board will have some stories to tell!

Wood is alive! (Well, it used to be.) Sometimes, our boards get a little twisty, so when they sit on a flat surface with no weight on them, one corner might rise up like it's trying to escape. But don’t sweat it! Once you stand on it, everything will flatten out, and the SlackBoard will perform exactly as designed.

Returned After Opening
So, someone decided this SlackBoard wasn’t for them, but they opened it up first. No biggie! These boards will perform like they're fresh outta the box, but because someone cracked the seal, we can’t sell them as new.

What you Need to know
What you Need to know
We don’t get too fancy with sorting these boards out by their “personality traits” (aka imperfections). And sorry, no custom photo shoots before you buy. But we’ve provided some good examples in the listings to give you a very solid feel for what will show up at your door. We think you’ll be pleasantly surprised and feel like you’ve gotten quite a deal!
Even though these SlackBoards have a little “character,” they still come with our killer 30-day Satisfaction Guarantee and the same 2-year warranty for the lines and usability. The only catch? We can't promise they'll be pristine, because that’s likely why they’re in the Imperfect & Returned section in the first place!